Latest News — Check out the photos from Bettina and Vousy’s surprise visit to Tom Curtin!
Check it out!
Bettina’s long-time friend Jeanne Boisseau has created a fabulous online photo album of Bettina’s life with horses:
Lessons Amid the Pandemic:
With the pandemic continuing into 2021, Bettina’s clinic schedule for 2021 is still being developed as we wait to see how the year unfolds. When possible, Bettina is offering lessons at several barns in the Northeast region. Locations and contact information is available on her Clinic page. Lessons are private and no auditors are allowed. In addition, remote lessons are also still available. To schedule those, contact Bettina directly at [email protected].

Bettina Drummond is highly regarded in both the United States and Europe as a trainer and teacher in the French Classical system of riding. In 2018, she was named “Honorary Écuyer” of Saumur with the Cadre Noir at the French National School of Equitation in Saumur, France, making her one of only two Americans and one of only two women to receive the honor.
Bettina spent 17 years in training with Master Nuno Oliveira, beginning at age seven. She earned the coveted spurs awarded to instructors at 17, and was recognized as a master trainer at 21. She was also influenced and coached by some of Europe’s finest trainers, including General Durand, Ecuyer en Chef and Commandant of the French National Equestrian School in Samur, and Lieutenant Colonel Paolo Angioni of the Italian Cavalry. Based in Washington, CT, Ms. Drummond travels across the U.S. and to France to teach and train. She can occasionally be found performing exhibitions with fabulous horses, many of which are her own Lusitanos.
Bettina is a practicing Baucheriste trainer, following the tradition of the Oliveira, who achieved many of his phenomenal results by grafting the principles of Baucher onto a classical foundation. Like Oliveira, Bettina’s life-long focus has been on riding as art and she is well-known for her exhibitions of artistry on horseback. Her artistry has earned her the prestigious Action Maverick Award from the world-renowned Brooklyn-based STREB. During her the award ceremony, she astounded attendees with a musical performance around their dinner tables with the Lusitano stallion Que Macho.